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  • BC CNTP. Navigation Certification.

    by | Apr 28, 2024 | 0 comments

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    Date(s) - 04/28/2024
    9:00 am - 4:00 pm

    New England Science and Sailing


    CNTP.  Coastal Navigation and Tidal Planning.

    This is one of the safety courses in the British Canoeing system and is a prerequisite course for taking the BC SKL Training.  The day is a full indoors Navigation planning day.  Will explorer both charting and tidal information systems.  Here in US waters and UK waters where the award is designed for.

    This course is designed for those paddlers carrying out coastal journeys including islands up to 2 nautical miles offshore in areas of tidal movement up to 2 knots and is a prerequisite for those seeking their British Canoeing Sea Kayak Leader Award. However, anyone wishing to undertake journeys on the sea using a kayak would find the technical and theoretical aspects not only useful, but essential for safe travel in the marine environment! This course is designed to complement the areas covered in the British Canoeing Sea Kayak Leader Training.

    I will be running this indoor course at the NESS, New England Science and Sailing Center.  72 Water Street, Stonington Ct

    Cost $165/ day

    Please register via this link below.

    BC CNTP Course

    British Canoeing