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  • AMC – Moderate Water Sea Kayak Leader Training

    by | Sep 21, 2024 | 0 comments

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    Date(s) - 09/21/2024 - 09/22/2024
    9:00 am - 4:00 pm


    Dates reserved for the Boston AMC chapter.  British Canoeing/ Paddle UK

    Moderate Water Sea Kayak Leader Training program.  Location TBD.  RI or SE Mass Coast Line.

    Moderate Water
    Inland: Large areas of open water that exceed the sheltered water definition, where the paddlers are no more than 500 metres offshore and in
    wind strengths that do not exceed Beaufort force 4.
    White Water: Grade 2(3) white water or equivalent weirs.
    Sea: A stretch of coastline with some areas where it is not easy to land but there will always be straightforward land points a maximum of two
    nautical miles apart. Crossings not exceeding two nautical miles. Up to 2 Knots of tide (but not involving tide race or overfalls). Wind strengths
    do not exceed Beaufort force 4. Launching and landing through surf (up to 1 metre, trough to crest height).
    Surf: Sections of sandy beaches free from significant hazard (e.g. rocks and strong rips) and easy access. Gentle, sloping and spilling waves,
    preferably peeling. Not pitching or dumping. Wave height should be no more than double overhead when seated in a kayak in the trough of
    the wave (head high for a stand up surfer).

    British Canoeing